Sunday, November 7, 2010

Siguatepeque...Cheque Leque!

We went on a church trip to the municipality, Siguatepeque, about 30 minutes outside of Comayagua City. We, the missionaries, were asked to sing special music. Unfortunately, the week was so busy and we didn’t have time to prepare anything. We were a bit worried about what we should sing, especially since we were going to a Spanish speaking church and we don’t know many Spanish songs. In additon, it was just the three of us (Nelly stayed home, sick with the flu). At the end, we decided on the hymn “Going Afar” and a Spanish song “Cambiame.” I think the angels sang with us because it sounded so beautiful. The service was so rich and we were pleasantly surprised at how well Walter delivered the sermon.

It was an all-day trip. We were given a delicious lunch, went to a nature park and then put on the AY program. They even treated us to some desert in the evening. All in all a great day! We love Siguatepeque and can’t wait to go back.

The group from Comayagua

The guys
Paul, Edward, David, Kyle and Walter

Go away - its our turn.

Darcia and Effie

Creepy - reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds"

Had to get another pic

At the nature park


Kathy and Emily

Taking a seat
Effie, Darcia and Kadian

Silly faces :)

More silly faces :)

Todos amigos