Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Honduran Independence

Today was the big independence day celebrations all across Honduras. In Comayagua all the schools marched and there was music everywhere. The main street was shut down to accommodate all the participants and people lined the streets to watch. It was quite a sight. This is the first time either of us have been in a parade. Watching it on t.v. is a lot different than being in it. No one ever thinks of the amount of walking you have to do or the fact that you don't really get to see everything...or much of anything for that matter once you're the one on display. We walked for like 3 hours and ended up a little sunburned but it was a lot of fun and the sights and sounds just spectacular. There were many bands and cheerleaders and cultural displays. At the end of the parade route each group was announced and got their 15 seconds of fame on national television. Our little group was announced as the teachers of Maranatha Adventist Bilingual School and we boasted teachers from the United States, Jamaica, England and the Cayman Islands much to the surprise and delight of the delegates. We felt good.

Military People

More Military People

Emily and Alejandra Del Cid (a 9th Grade Student)

Students from Maranatha

One of our cute primary students

Que cute!

Meez Twinz

Cheerleaders from another school.

Maranatha 11th Graders which includes 2 exchange students from Italy

Beautiful Cultural Costumes

Emily B and Ashley

We're marching!

Honduran Pride

Oh the joy of marching!

Our School

Fellow teachers David and Emily B.

Meez Twinz and Emily

El Jefe (The Boss)

Que lindas!

We all agreed we should have been in dresses!

Emily, Dawnelle, Ashley, Emily B. and Darcia
(Kadian joined the band and she's good!)


Interesting Costumes

Que hermosa! I think this is the best costume we saw - so much detail!

Beautiful and so creative.

Another pretty one

Beautiful cultural costumer. These are the best dancers in Honduras.

Some more of the best dancers.

Parade Float

Home at last!

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