Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Somos Malas....Ya Sabemos

Yea...we know we are really really bad for not updating the blog in so long but teaching so many classes is definitely draining. Add to that tutoring and being missionaries and you have two tired twins. We are now also sitting in a Spanish class at La Universidad Autónoma. It is actually a class for persons who speak Spanish (like our English classes in college) but we need the practice and still can't find a conversation class anywhere.  This week has been particularly exciting as we maestras are competing against the high school girls in futbol. So far we have slaughtered the competition (8th and 9th grade) and manana we meet the unbeaten 7th grade. We need to beat them or else we will never live it down and there are still 4 months left of teaching them lol.

So here are some pics to update you on our many adventures.

La Feria de SIDA/ The AIDS Fair (thats right a fair about AIDS which involved the students playing knowledge games on the subject, was not as awkward as it sounds)

I (Darcia) made that sign...I'm so proud :)

The Valle de Angeles Retreat ( A nice weekend of fun and fellowship with the high schoolers)

The Covention Center/Church


Too Cool 11th Graders

Just taking a break :)



Bunk beds that go up to four levels-loco!

Just chillin

Uno Game is on

Mountain Taxi

En el parque

Hermosas Sonrisas

En el campo
Class Time: Cultural Presentation in 7th Grade

Geovanny the joker and sweet Andrea


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