Friday, September 10, 2010

El Dia de Los Ninos = Lots of Hyper Kids & Tired Teachers

So, Friday was Children's Day in Honduras which means every school does something special for the children. This includes making piñatas and having treats and parties for them at school. The high schoolers made piñatas for the children in primary school. After lunch it was one big party, at least for the younger ones. They had cake, and an abundance of candy and the rest of the day to run free. It was quite a sight.  Dawnelle and I were lucky, we teach high school so most of our day was spent away from the screaming children. Kadian and Emily however were so beat by the end of the day. Looking forward to the independence festivities next week : )

In the main auditorium...the kids smashed a  piñata and were going for the candy 

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