Saturday, September 11, 2010

Oh No! Esta lloviendo :(

So today was a really interesting day at church. After the main service in the morning, we were asked to come back and help plan the afternoon program which would be at a church we've never been to before. Dawnelle was unable to make it, so it was up to Kadian, Emily and I. Comayagua City is in a valley surrounded by  beautiful montanas. The church we went to is just on the outskirts of the city, very close to the mountains. Here the air is cleaner and cooler and you feel so much more connected with la naturaleza. Plus the church is outdoors. 

En la manana 

Before church in the moring
Emily, Kadian, Dawnelle, Darcia

En la tarde

Una Bella Vista
The great view of the mountains as seen from the church

La Iglesia

The church - a simple metal building; worshipping in nature.

Darcia at the "door" of the church

Emily and Kadian in front of la iglesia 

Darcia y las montanas 

Emily, Darcia, Kathy and Kadian

Emily, Darcia, Effie and Kadian

We were all enjoying the view and fresh air and about to begin the service when the rain began to fall. And fall, and fall. The wind whipped our skirts and us girls had to grab them in order to prevent a Marilyn Monroe moment. We all huddled and shivered in the cold, getting wet with raindrops and dirt because of the strong winds. (Dawnelle missed all the fun). The rain finally died down and we were able to have the service. We, the missionaries, gave a part of the welcome (Emily in English, Kadian, in French and me, in Italian) and we even did the special music. I messed up on my solo part (hehe) but the song turned out so well. Our blending was beautiful. It was a nice end to un dia muy interesante.

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