Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Baleadas y Mas

Our housemate Emily took us out for some Honduran cuisine. We went to a restaurant, La Princesita, a small place just a couple blocks from our house. They specialize in  baleadas, a meal made with a flour wrap and a variety of stuffings…your choice. The basic stuffings are mantequilla (butter but not the kind we’re used to), queso (cheese) and frijoles (beans) but you can add food like fried plaintains, eggs, avocado, chicken or any other toppings. We just have one thing to say about these…nos gustan mucha. We’ve tried three flavors so far and they are muy bien.

We also got to try some Salvadorian food called pupusas. Again made with a flour wrap and with mantequilla and queso. However, the cheese is stuffed inside the wrap and you get a side of steamed cabbage and carrot and fried onions that you combine with your wrap. Bueno, bueno!

In terms of drink, we’ve had banana flavored soda which tastes a little like cola champagne but better. We’ve also had natural juices horchata and tamarindo which we loved.

So dining in Comayagua is pretty good..but we’ve got more to explore.

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