Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Una Nueva Vida

Our house is beautiful. It’s a spacious three bedroom, two bathroom home. We share this biggest room with a private bathroom. The other two rooms are reserved for our housemates. The first is Emily Morris, a sweet, college student from Lincoln, Nebraska. One word that can be used to describe Emily is sunshine. With her freckles and ready smile she certainly will brighten any room. We have not met our remaining housemate but we hear she is a Jamaican British girl. Across the street live two Baptist missionaries who will also be teaching at the school, Emily Brewster and Ashley. They are two recent college grads. Emily B’s parents started an orphanage here in Comayagua and also do work with teenage mothers. We hope we can help at the orphanage too if we aren’t too busy with teaching. The school rents a number of houses in this area to provide homes for their teachers. They seem big on recruiting missionaries because of their Christian principles and knowledge of the English language.

Emily Morris (Lil Miss Sunshine)

Comayagua is about 2 hours drive from the airport in Tegucigalpa, the capital. Comayagua isn’t geared towards tourists so we were told to be careful -walk in groups, especially at night, don’t be flashy, leave cameras and expensive electronics at home. Therefore, until we assimilate more into the culture, we won’t be taking many pictures of the area. However, the Honduran Independence Day is in another couple of weeks and we shall be breaking out the camera then.

Our Room

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