Friday, August 20, 2010

Que Linda!

We don’t know if it’s just us…but there are a lot of beautiful women here.We guess the locals take it for granted. Why give us cat calls when you’ve got so many Miss Universe’s walking around?  As for the men, we're not so sure but it’s early yet…

Most persons would be considered short to average height. The tall are few and far between so we fit right in. There is such a mix of cultural backgrounds here. Nobody looks the same…some look European, some Asian, some Mayan and some Black and some you just can’t place.

We have an easier time blending in than the other missionaries who are Caucasian. The only thing that might set us apart from the Black Hondurans is our natural hair. But even then, most assume we speak Spanish. Our next door neighbor is from ‘the islands’, which is the area of the coast of Honduras. The islanders have accents that sound Caribbean, closest to a Bahamian accent and they speak their own creole in addition to Spanish. Everyone we meet is fascinated that we’re from Jamaica and want to know everything about our island. Soon we’ll cook some Jamaican food and let them try :)

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