Wednesday, August 25, 2010


We were invited to play futbol with the other teachers at a local sports club. We readily accepted on the condition that they understand that we do not have any skills in that department. They said no hay problema and off we went.  When we arrived everyone was warming up. The teachers from the school (some young..some not so young) didn’t look like they would be that much of a challenge. As you may have guessed we were wrong. Having not played futbol in roughly 10 years you can say that we were more than a bit rusty. These teachers, some of them who have already had children, put us to shame! There were two teams, one with mostly missionaries, the other with mostly seasoned teachers who were more like pro futbolers.  We decided that we should be on the same team as were are identical and didn’t want any confusion in the match. Instead of calling our individual names they shouted gemela (twin)! The competition was intense….One hour on the field and we were dying to end the game. So…what have we learned? Well for one..stretch before you play any sport. Another big lesson…don’t slack off on exercise. We now realize that we’ve got lots of work to do in that department.  Vamos a practicar el futbol. Queremos ser los campeones!

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